I'm here, I'm here! After a LONG day of flying and rush hour traffic, I'm safely in my hotel room. And wow I'm tired! No matter how great an airline seat is, it's still the size of a toddler bed and not very comfortable. 24hrs of travel (including wait times). Currently sitting here debating if I want to go to dinner later on, or just skip it and get some much-needed rest. I also need to get settled in the room a bit more, so will likely do that.
Interesting note on the flight - this was the first one I've been on that use biometric scans in place of your passport / boarding pass. A camera took a picture of your face and then used measurements to match to what it had on file (they had scanned my passport when I first got to the CLT airport). Anyone else had this happen?
Today was about getting situated in Paris and seeing a few of the sights. First stop - Musee des Arts Decoratifs. The main exhibit was on hair as an art form. I had never thought about hair as art, but it was quite interesting. From saving locks of hair from loved ones to intricate hairstyles, we do a lot with our hair. In one of the pics below, the empress had her hair done every 2 weeks. If any hair fell out, the stylist had to place it on a silver tray and present it to her in a full, subjective bow. From there I picked up my metro pass for the week and got lunch. Which is my next question - cheeseburgers are almost always on the menu here. Is it because the French love it, or they know us Americans will eat it?
Tomorrow's main events are the Arc de Triumph (see below for a funny picture) and a Seine River cruise with a champagne tasting. In between I may try to hit a few recommended restaurants, including a bookstore cafe where you just sit, eat, and drink wine. Sounds like heaven to me.
Thanks for reading!
Waiting in line at border police to enter the country. Hot, sweaty, and a lot of work just to scan your passport.
On the way to the hotel - I suddenly asked the driver...."Dumb question, but isn't that the Arc de Triumph? It was, and going around the traffic circle was an experience! Lane markers at the very beginning, then absolutely nothing as you go on. It was National Lampoon brought to life.
Doing the Empress' hair......
Love seeing all the dogs! This one was having a blast hanging out in the bicycle basket
One of the reasons I like staying here - a "gift from the hotel". Now trying to figure out if champagne corks count as a weapon if they're in your luggage.... :)
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